ser vegetariano
Comer é um ato que repetimos todos os dias, várias vezes ao dia, para podermos estar satisfeitos e saudáveis. As diferentes refeições durante o dia não devem ser esquecidas, mesmo que a correria e o stress dos dias de hoje predomine no nosso quotidiano.
A alimentação saudável é uma forma racional que assegura uma variedade, quantidade e equilíbrio justa de alimentos escolhidos pela sua quantidade nutricional. A OMS (Organização Mundial de Saúde) assinala que a melhor dieta é aquela que apresenta um baixo conteúdo de gordura e um elevado conteúdo de fibra, que é rica em hidratos de carbono complexos e se caracteriza por um consumo frequente de frutas, verduras e hortaliças, cereais integrais e leguminosas.
Os vegetarianos são aqueles que excluem apenas da sua alimentação todos os ingredientes de origem animal (lacticínios, ovos, mel, entre outros).
Tipos de Vegetarianos
O vegetariano é alguém que se alimenta à base de grãos, sementes, vegetais, cereais e frutas, com ou sem o uso de lacticínios, mel e ovos. Os vegetarianos excluem o uso de carnes animais (peixe e carne).
Apesar de ser um termo quase com 200 anos, este ainda gera alguma confusão. Ao contrário do que muita malta julga, as pessoas que adotaram este tipo de dieta alimentar não são todas iguais.
Existem vários tipos de vegetarianos, que ao longo dos anos, alguns destes conceitos podem ter mais alguma fama:
- Vegan (exclui qualquer variedade de carne de animais, produtos animais, tais como ovos e lacticínios, mel, produtos testados em animais, e não usam produtos de origem animal, como couro, seda e lã.
- Lacto-Vegetariano (este grupo de vegetarianos não come ovos na sua dieta, muitas vezes por motivos de saúde, pois o ovo contém um elevado nível de colesterol)
- Ovo-Vegetariano (incluem na sua dieta os ovos, mas excluem o leite e todos os seus derivados)
- Crudívoro (este grupo defende que o Homem é o único animal que cozinha os alimentos, destruindo por isso as suas propriedades nutritivas, embora esteja preparado para digerir e assimilar alimentos crus - naturais)
Eating is an act that we repeat every day, several times a day, in order to be satisfied and healthy. The different meals during the day should not be forgotten, even if the rush and stress of today prevails in our daily lives.
Healthy eating is a rational way that ensures a variety, quantity and just balance of foods chosen for their nutritional amount. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that the best diet is one that has a low fat content and high fiber content, which is rich in complex carbohydrates and is characterized by frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables , whole grains and legumes.
Vegetarians are those who only exclude from their diet all ingredients of animal origin (dairy products, eggs, honey, among others).
Types of Vegetarians
The vegetarian is someone who feeds on grains, seeds, vegetables, cereals and fruits, with or without the use of dairy products, honey and eggs. Vegetarians exclude the use of meat (fish and meat).
Despite being a term almost 200 years, this still creates some confusion. Contrary to what many malta think, people who have adopted this type of diet are not all the same.
There are several types of vegetarians, which over the years, some of these concepts may have some more fame:
Eating is an act that we repeat every day, several times a day, in order to be satisfied and healthy. The different meals during the day should not be forgotten, even if the rush and stress of today prevails in our daily lives.
Healthy eating is a rational way that ensures a variety, quantity and just balance of foods chosen for their nutritional amount. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that the best diet is one that has a low fat content and high fiber content, which is rich in complex carbohydrates and is characterized by frequent consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables , whole grains and legumes.
Vegetarians are those who only exclude from their diet all ingredients of animal origin (dairy products, eggs, honey, among others).
Types of Vegetarians
The vegetarian is someone who feeds on grains, seeds, vegetables, cereals and fruits, with or without the use of dairy products, honey and eggs. Vegetarians exclude the use of meat (fish and meat).
Despite being a term almost 200 years, this still creates some confusion. Contrary to what many malta think, people who have adopted this type of diet are not all the same.
There are several types of vegetarians, which over the years, some of these concepts may have some more fame:
- Vegan (excludes any variety of meat from animals, animal products such as eggs and dairy products, honey, products tested on animals, and do not use products of animal origin such as leather, silk and wool.
- Lacto-Vegetarian (this group of vegetarians do not eat eggs in their diet, often for health reasons, since the egg contains a high level of cholesterol)
- Egg-Vegetarian (they include eggs in their diet but exclude milk and all its derivatives)
- Crudivore (this group argues that Man is the only animal that cooks food, thus destroying its nutritional properties, although it is prepared to digest and assimilate raw foods - natural)
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